Visualisation exercises (identifying unique personal potential, careers and direction, lifting limits) |
A simple exercise with deep meaning, for any group size subject to appointing discussion leaders if appropriate. Review is optional. Thoughts can be shared and discussed or kept private; the type of review and follow-up depends on the situation.
The purpose of the exercise is to encourage and enable people to think creatively and imaginatively about their direction and potential. As such it is particularly appropriate for people who are in a routine that is not of their choosing, or who lack confidence, or who need help visualising who they can be and what they can do.
Ask people to imagine they are 18 years old and have just received a great set of exam results that gives them a free choice to study for a degree or qualification at any university or college, anywhere in the world. They also have a grant which will pay for all their fees. No loans, no debts, no pre-conditions.
So the question is, given such a free choice, what would you study?
Put another way, what would you love to spend a year or two or three years becoming brilliant at?
For older people emphasise that they can keep all the benefit of all their accumulated knowledge and experience.
They can even create their own degree course to fit exactly what they want to do.
The important thing is for people to visualise and consider what they would do if they have a free choice.
And then either during the review discussion and sharing of ideas, or in closing the exercise, make the following point:
You have just visualised something that is hugely important to you.
You are (depending on your religious standpoint) only here on this earth once. You will not come back again and have another go.
So what's actually stopping you from pursuing your dreams?
In almost all cases the obstacles will be self-imposed.
Of course it's not always easy to do the things we want to do. But most things are possible - and you don't need to go to university for three years to start to become who you want to be and to follow a new direction. It starts with a realisation that our future is in our own hands.
We ourselves - not anyone or anything else - determine whether we follow and achieve our passions and potential, or instead regret never trying.
Many thanks to www.businessballs.com for the use of this article |
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14.08.07 |
A Visualisation exercise to identify unique personal potential
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14.08.07 |
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